Monday 11 August 2014

Consumer decision process elements

The following are the steps that a consumer goes through before purchasing Frooti or any other product in general.

Problem recognition: The Frooti consumer purchases the product due to two factors- internal or external stimulus. When a person buys Frooti to satiate his thirst, he is affected by the internal stimuli for buying. Once this need rises to a threshold level, it becomes a drive. The consumer therefore has to purchase it to fulfil this need. The need can also be produced by external stimuli such as by seeing a friend purchase the product or seeing one of the many amazing ad campaigns of Frooti.
Information search: The problem recognition here is to find a tasty yet healthy non aerated beverage. In order to narrow this down and make his search easier, the consumer searches for beverages within the fruit juice category. This is when the competitors of Frooti try their best to come in the way. They do this by either creating engaging content or coming up with catchy campaigns. For e.g. Maaza uses Katrina Kaif as the brand ambassador so as to inclue her fan following into probable consumers of the product. Frooti parent company name and quality here is what helps it stand out.
Evaluation of alternatives: After a detailed information search, the consumer is well aware of what he wants and requires solving his problem. He will choose among Frooti, Maaza, Slice and the fruit juices based on several factors – personal liking, brand loyalty, brand positioning etc and will choose his alternatives. He will then observe differences, similarities and how each brand out does each other. Factors such as availability, taste, price, promotions etc play a major role in helping them evaluate amongst the various alternatives.
Purchase decision: His decision would be made after considering a host of factors like affordability, goodwill, taste, quality etc. Based on this, the consumer finally purchases the product. This stage is very important, as it affects the post – purchase decision. In case of Frooti this is a plus point due to its availability, health factor, taste and quality of Parle Agro.
Post purchase behaviour: The consumer now gets to contemplate if he has made the right decision. He will evaluate the purchase based on the difference between expected outcome and actual outcome. If Frooti managed to really satisfy what he actually wanted then the consumer might turn into a loyalist and stick with the brand for a sustained period of time. Frooti has managed getting a huge base of brand loyalists due to its several years of brand presence.

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